Clay and Lauren Adkinson, Jr.
Agility Wealth Management
Les and Ruth Akers
Michael and Laura Alford
Nathan Albers
Tillie A. Allen
Robin Alston
American Social Hospitality Group
Brian Anderson
Don Antonacio
Paul and Pamela Anderson
Architectural Sales & Illumination, Inc.
Chase Arnett
James Arnold
Astro Travel & Tours, Inc.
Crawford and Teresa Atkins
Automatic Curb Company
George D. Avant, Jr.
Jorge and Diana Azor
Ben and Susan Bailey
Tim and Cristi Barchie
Patrick Barineau
J. Scott Bartholomew
Lance and Ashley Barton
Thomas and Ingrid Bayne
John R. Beach & Associates, Inc.
James Terryl Bechtol, Jr.
Nicholas and Angela Bergan
Bill Bell Family
Matt Bell
Larry and Joyce Beltz
Clint and Jan Bennett
Halsey W. Beshears
Besnard Family
Tricia Berry
Benjamin J. Biard
Jerry W. Billett
Don and Allison Bishop
Doug and Kirsten Bishop
Robbie and Kris Blankenship
Scott & Holly Bodenweber
Demory Boeneke
Chris and Rachel Bolyard
Boos Development Group, Inc.
Shaun and Melissa Booth
Peter Boulware Toyota
Tiffany and Jefrey Boykins
Boyle Family
Flecia Braswell and Jimmy Weaver
Alan and Erin Bratic
Rick and Ann Brawner
Selena and Kevin Breedlove
Jonathan Brimer & Select Shades LLC
Tim and Natalie Brock
Ed & Diane Brooks
Brice & Shelby Brown
Yvonne and Stephen T. Brown
Jeffery and Dottie Bryan
The Burr Family
William C. Burkhardt
Jay Burleson
Burton Family - Eric, Tina, Sydney & Cade
The Bussey Family
Jeff and Jen Butler
Dr. Richard Byington and Mrs. Stephanie Byington
Jimmie and Donna Callaway
Tom Carella
The Stephen Caruso Family
Kevin and Julie Carpenter
Ken and Lisa Cashin
Bob and Faye Caton
Caulfield and Wheeler, Inc.
The Cauthen Family
The Champion Family
Champions First Credit Union
The Chandler Family
Chanfrau & Chanfrau
Zachary and Cassidy Chandler
Kristian and Anna-Lee Chapman
Dr. Mark Chin-Lenn and Kevin Pfeiffer
Jeremy and Veda Cloud
Robert and Mendy Coker
Chad Colby
Ryan and Julie Colich
Peter and Jennifer Collins
Sherry Colvin
The Commander Family
Claude Conley, Jr.
Jonathan and Kelly Conrad
Lamont Cook
Craig and Allison Coppedge
Paul and Roya Corbley
The Cordasco Family
Dr. Raymond Cottrell
Bradley and Jennifer Coulter
Marilyn Cox and Jim LeVan
Brad and Hilary Crenshaw
John and Betty Crowe, Sr.
Culpepper Construction Company
Steve and Monica Cunningham
Trey Cunningham
Clif and Terry Curry
Lawrence and Jeanne Curtin
James & Kathy Dahl
Keith and Laura Daly
Mike and Jeri Damasiewicz
Kristopher P. Daniels
Severino & Ida Danao Family
Scott and Marion Darling
Joshua and Stephanie Dault
Keith & Terri Davidson
Joel, Josiah and Elijah Davis
Tim and Marianne Davis
Scott and Julie Davis
Briant and Maddie Daws
Gary DeLapp
DeVoe Automotive Group
Craig and Michelle Dewhurst
Christopher and Andrea Diamantis
Brian Diesselhorst
Dan Dieterle
Lorie DiLuzio
James and Kathryn Dilworth
Barry Dixon
Bill and Shannon Dixon
Dobak Family
Dave and Diane Dodich
Carl Domino
Ryan and Elizabeth Dorrell
James M. Doss Charitable Foundation
John Douglas Financial Group
Charlie and Alison Dudley
Stephen and Lee Duggar
Steve & Arlette Dull
Andrew and Sonya Dunne
Douglas and Doris Dunlap
Mrs. Judith A. Dunlap
The Dyche Family
Eric and Jen Edwards
Michael and Patti Eubank
Betsy Evans
Dr. Blanche W. Evans
Charles Everidge, Jr.
Michael and Kelli Evertsen
Extra Point Club
Ahmed Farag
Michael and Anna Feiler
The Feinberg Family
Fishman Family Foundation
Alan and Carol Flaumenhaft
Taylor Fletcher
Gary R. Fogleman
Dr. Philbert and Deanna Ford
Chris and Angel Forehand
Ericka and Joe Franz
Bob & Debbie Frey
Leon and Stacey Fowler
FSU Football Equipment Managers
FSU Varsity Club
Graham and Brittany Gano
Benjamin Gantt
Ernie and Yvette Garateix
Ernie B. Garcia
Tim and Paula Gaskin
Dana Gehret and Linda O'Donnell
Mackenzie and Bryan Gibson
Craig and Anna Gilman
Brian and Kim Glaeser
GMF Steel Group
Jorge and Pamela Gonzalez
Dr. Pamela Good and Dr. Shane Roane
David & Shelly Goodson - Earth Remedies Luxury Med Spa
Ethan and Jennifer Grabill
Kenneth and Jennifer Granger
Billy Grant
Peter and Joyce Grant
Joe and Carri Grass
Dennis Green
Marc and Amy Greene
The Grovijohn Family
James and Tina Guida
The Gumberg Family
Jorge and Nichol Gutierrez
Kelly and Steven Hagar
Jim and Pattie Hale
Frank and Chris Hall
Chris and Lauren Hamblen
Donald and Cheryl Hamilton
Lester F. and Teresa Hamrick
Dr. Tom Haney and Family
Larry and Candice Hardee
Jamie and Melanie Harden
Family of Bruce & Anne Harrell
Michael and Leslie Harrell
Stephen and Alice Harrell
Brian A. Harris
Tony and Melinda Harris
Jeff and Sonya Hartley
Jennifer and Jared Hartley
Myron and Judy Hayden
Kevin and Angela Hawkins
Stephen and Dannette Helgemo
Jim and Carole Henderson
Heritage MGA, LLC
Jeff & Cathy Hewlett
Angela and Sean Higbea
Gina and Ken Hill
Diane and Larry Hill Family Endowment
Mark and Nan Casper Hillis
Malaka Hilton
Hobson Chevrolet
John and Victor Holcomb
Jacob and Brianna Holehouse
Alan and Kristen Hooper
Eddie and Tracy Hoornstra
The Hubrich Family
Vincent and Jacqueline Hughes
Pfilip & Luella Hunt, Jr.
Timothy Hunt
Yvonne G. Hutto
Christopher Iansiti
Nicholas Iarossi
Impact Landscaping & Irrigation, LLC
Gabriel and Jourdan Isasi
Italiano Insurance Services
Hal L. Jackson, Jr.
Jacksonville Seminole Boosters
Link and Jennifer Jarrett
The Jarvis Family
Dr. Herb & Mary Jervis
Betty Lou Joanos
Ben and Lorraine Johnson
Bo and Judy Johnson
Carl & Stephanie Johnson
Chip and Susan Johnson
Johnson Family
Manley and Mary Johnson
Andy Johnston
Peter D. and Mary Lee Jones
Ray and Bonnie Jones
Marji Jordan
Patrick & Buffie Jubard
Andrew and Christie Kail
Howard Kanner
Fred and Autumn Karlinsky
Kenneth and Susanne Karr
Jay Kearce
Richard S. Kearney
John Keaton
Scott and Jennifer Keipper
Roy and Jennifer Keister
Christopher Keith
Bob and Sharon Kerrigan
David and Holly King
Shane and Michelle Kirkley
Phil Kleinman
Bob and Gail Knight
Russell T. Kohl
Erik V. Korzilius
Michael J. & Susan Kowalski
The Kraaz Family
Charles & Jane Krblich
Edward and Mary Kutter
Ronnie and Laurie Labrato
Ernie & Kriste LaMay & Family
Don and Lynn Lambert
Lawton & Beth Langford
Shane and Danielle Larson
Lloyd & Betty Lassen
Chris Lazzara
James L. Lee
Scott and Amanda Lee
The Lee Family
Matt Leeds
Steve and Sherry Leonard
Tom and Laurrie Leonard
Lewis & Thompson Electric - Steve and Randi Dodson
Shannon Libbert & Family
Brett and Cindy Lindquist
Kevin S. Little
Bill and Stephanie Lloyd
Shane, Jessica, and Hannah Locke
Paul Lokey
John and Carolyn Lowry
Michael Loynd
The Luce Family
Alejandro and Mary Luis
Michael and Jessica Lyng
Sean and Gina Lyon
Trey and Jennifer Lytal
Mark & Patricia Macek
Ben and Christina Macfarland
Luis Machado
Anthony Majewski
Joanne C. Mallardi
Matthew and Megan Maloney
Michael and Kathleen Manley
Doug and Mary Mannheimer
George Mannheimer
Herbert and Janet Mantooth
Craig C. Mateer
Edward Matura
Steve and Hillary May
The McCaleb Wesley Family
Doug and Rebecca McCarron
Dr. Tamberly F. and Steve McCarus
Tom & Kathleen McCormick
Stephen and Becca McDaniel
Joe and Linda McGee
Michael A. McIntosh, Jr.
Ed and Trude McMahon
Richard and Gwen McMullen
Ryals McMullian & Family
Scott and Ina McNichols
Joe McPherson
Billy and Hollace McPhillips
The McWhirter Family
John and Margaret Medina
Keith and Denise Meier
Blair and Shannon Mendes
Bass Sox Mercer
Spencer Merriam
Gregory and Michelle Michaud
Patricia Doomar Mierse Family
Max and Kim Milam
The Miller Family
Eric Milles
David D. Mobley Jr. & Family
Richard W. Montgomery
Coyle Moore Family Trust
DeVoe & Shirley McEwan Moore
Jorge Morales
Russ and Genie Morcom
Matt and Lyndsey Morris
Bobby and Katie Moses
Kimberly and Gary Moulton
Rick & Emily Mottern
Kyle and Jillian Mowitz
Joe and Terri Moye
Luis Mozas
The Mueller Family
Tony Munoz
Brian and Renee Murphy
Robert and Heather Murphy
Patrick and Alison Murrah
H. David & Patricia Murray
Steve & Tami Myers
The Naumann Family
Daniel and Amy Neal
Steve & Kathy Nelsen
Charles and Amy Newell
Mick and Vickie Night
The Niles Family
Mike and Maria Norvell
Rick and Marie Oreair
Colton and Laurel Outcalt
Roger L. Overby
Jim Owens
Parrish and Cat Owens
Tim & Robyn Padgett
The Pantin Family
Thomas and Dorthy Panza
Guy S. Paparella
Nicholas Paquette
Heather Parker and Robert Polanis
Robert Parrish
Mike and Judy Pate
Vishal Patel
Warner & Mary Kaye Peacock
Jose and Gail Perez
Bart and Deena Perryman
Tom and Betty Petway
Brian and Brandie Philpot
Steven and Haven Poirier
Polowichak Family
Poole Engineering and Surveying Inc.
Gregg and Marcia Pooler
Melvin Pope
The Potts Family
Brett C. Powell
Paul C. Pratofiorito
Paul Prescott
The Price Family
The Provencher Family
James and Janice Pyle
Shane Ramsey
The Rasmussen Family
Dr. Brian Rawlin and Felicia
Benjiman and Tammy Read
The Rechichi Family
Kyle and Amy Reed
Lainie and Michael Rendina
The Rendina Family
Jim Rhodes
Roberts and Roberts Inc.
Riva Family
C.W. Roberts
Tance and Michael Roberts
John and Janie Robinson
Jim and Betty Ann Rodgers
Rick and Donna Rodick
Daniel Rodriguez
Stan and Peg Rogaski
Doug and Julia Rohan
Kyle Rowell
Andrew and Lisa Safko
Eric and Crissy Samide
Rey and Hilda Santana
Patricia Sargeant and Maureen Hughes
The Sasser Family
Hildy Sastre
Jason and Lauren Sato
Luke and Lauren Savage
Kurt and Kara Schafer
Ray and Maria Schneider
Chris Schoonover and Alli Liby-Schoonover
Ron Scott
Brent and Debbie Sembler
Shea Family
Shephard's Beach Resort, Inc.
Bill and Wyn Shoptaw
Keith and Patricia Sigmon
Simons Family
David Skup
David and Vianne Smith
Ingram S. Smith
Brian and Katy Smith
Michael and Cambria Smith
Daryl and Melissa Snodgrass
Gene and Diana Stearns
Jay Steele
Scott A. Steele
Michael G. Stephens
Bill, Tammy, Will, and Becca Stephenson
Jeff and Mindy Stewart
Andy and Kay Stofanik
The Stout Family
The Stovall Family
Jim & Meagan Sturm
The Summey Family
Charlotte & Michael Sunderland
Michael and Jennifer Sundquist
Sun and Fun Media
Sunshine Gasoline Distributors, Inc.
Lloyd and Nancy Sweet
Dale and Pamela Tadlock
Dr. Lamar Talley Jr. MD
Craig and Colleen Tanzy
Lou and Mariana Taormina
Mark & Christine Taul
Jim Taylor
John and Jennifer Taylor
Larry and Dreama Taylor
David and Margaret Tedrick
Steve Templeton
Gordon and Mary Owen Thames
Denny Thaxton
The Thiel Family
Jim and Beth Thielen
In Loving Memory of Claude Thigpen
John and Susan Thomas
Thomasville Ford Lincoln Inc.
Dr. Glen and Christina Thompson and Family
Scott Thompson
Sidney Thompson
Fred and Susan Thurmond
Louis Tilchin
Tiller and Associates
Tobin & Reyes, P.A.
Joshua Toman
Scott and Jenifer Toth
Tri-Eagle Sales
Todd and Annie Trimmer
Dr. Philip and Deirdre Troyer
The Frank & Kim Tsamoutales Family
Ryan and Mary Beth Tyson
Nada Cenanovic Usina
Valparaiso Realty Company
Buddy and Ashton Vance
Barry and Patti Vaughn
D.R. and Dalynda Vause
R. Scott Vedder
Veliz Family
Frank and Anne Vicino
David W. Walker
James E. Wallace
Ware Oil & Supply Company
Elizabeth and Lucas Waring
Stephanie Webster
Mike and Nancy Weglinski
Jerry M. Weil
Floyd and Marilyn Whiddon, Jr.
Jonathan and Marlene White
Derek and Courtney Whitis
The Whitlow Family
Justin & Wendy Wiggins
Brian and Cortney Williams
Jimmy and Annette Williams
The Williams Family
Lyle Williams
Scott D. Wilson
Scott and Kelly Witt
The Wojtowicz Family
Ryan and Amie Wood
The Wood Family: Dennis, Lourdes, Jason, Kim, & Greg
David and Mary Jean Yon
John F. Zibrida
Carrie and Curtis Zimmerman